Thursday, January 24, 2008


This weekend I am traveling to Limon, I´m really excited. We are all leaving tomorrow morning (friday) at 9. It is about a 3 hour bus ride, but we are making stops along the way. We are going to stop at coffee and banana plantations, and some other places that I cant remember right now.

While we are in Limon we will have 2 converences, one is with an indeginous women, and the other is with a higher class women. They are both going to talk to us about poverty and how it has effected them and whatever else they want to say. It should be good to hear from very different people about the same subject.

We are also going to spend some time at the beach, that should be fun. I am going to have to wear a lot of sunscreen because I haven´t been out in the sun that much and I dont want to get burnt!!

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